137 national and interstate standards came into force in early September 2020. Among them is a series of documents for laser heat-strengthening of engineering parts, standards for oats, freight cars and others.
GOST 34613-2019, Protective cabin. General technical requirements and test methods. The standard applies to the cabins that ensure the safety of the people in it, such as currency exchange offices, cash desks, outposts and vestibule airlocks. Cabins are subdivided into bulletproof, burglar-proof, explosion-proof and comprehensive protection in terms of their protective properties. According to the purpose, the cabins are divided into the following: access control, visual control, protection of people from external influences and preservation of values. The ceiling height of any cabin must be at least 2.5 m. The cabin door should open outward by an angle of at least 90 and withstand 100,000 cycles of opening - closing.
GOST R 58568-2019, Optics and photonics. Photonics. Terms and definitions. The standard contains over 100 terms and definitions. Among them:
photonics - the field of science and technology, engaged in fundamental and applied research of optical radiation, as well as the creation of devices based on them for various purposes;
nanophotonics - is a section of photonics related to the study and practical application of physical phenomena arising from the interaction of photons with objects of nanometer dimensions;
polariton - is a compound quasi-particle arising from the interaction of photons and elementary excitations of the medium;
plasmon – is a quasi-particle that meets the quantization of plasma vibrations, which are collective fluctuations of the free electron gas charge density.
GOST R 58202-2018, Production services. Fire-fighting personal protective equipment. Rules and regulations of placement and operation. General requirements. According to the document, personal protective equipment for people in case of fire can be placed at work areas, in living spaces and at evacuation exits, depending on the class of functional fire hazard. These means are divided into self-rescuers that protect the respiratory and visual organs and special fireproof capes to protect the human body. Self-rescuers are subdivided into isolating and filtering according to the principle of action. General purpose insulators and filters with a time of protective action not less than 15 minutes are designed for use by people who evacuate buildings and premises themselves during a fire. Isolation self-rescuers and filtering self-rescuers with the time of protection action not less than 25 min are used by personnel responsible for evacuation of people from buildings and premises during a fire.