Vladimir V. Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, signed Federal Law No. 523-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Standardization of the Russian Federation". The document was developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and Rosstandart with the active involvement of the expert community.
The adopted changes legislatively fix a new task, orienting the application of standardization tools for the development and implementation of advanced technologies, including digital technologies, achieving and maintaining technological leadership of the Russian Federation in high-tech (innovative) sectors of the economy.
Also, the changes, in order to automate the work on standardization and to ensure their transparency, make it obligatory at all stages of the development of standardization documents - from their planning to editing - to use the information system in the field of standardization, which is the state information resource.
"The goal of our great work and, accordingly, the main change is the regulatory consolidation of digital technologies in the national system of standardization. The development of standards has been fully conducted since November 2017 through the Internet portal of the Federal State Information System "Beresta". During this time we have been able to fully assess the impact of digital solutions on the standardization process. Digitalization has significantly accelerated the development of standards and made it more transparent by involving all stakeholders," noted Alexey S. Besproznovnykh, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
In addition, as part of the adopted amendments to the Law clarifies the terminology used and the procedure for the formation of design technical committees for standardization.
Another important change was the possibility of including the organizational standards and technical specifications in the Federal Information Fund of Standards at the applicant's request and on the basis of the results of the technical committees' expertise. The need for this measure became evident during the coronavirus pandemic.
"In order to disseminate the experience of enterprises-manufacturers of personal protective equipment, Rosstandart placed the technical specifications of manufacturers on its official website, which allowed to organize the production of personal protective equipment by hundreds of enterprises throughout the country as quickly as possible," said Anton P. Shalaev, the head of Rosstandart.
In addition, for the industrial and scientific sectors "breakthrough" is the introduction of new types of standardization documents such as technical specifications and technical reports, which will provide the opportunity to establish the characteristics and methods of testing of innovative products. The introduction of such standardization document in the normative-legal regulation and its application corresponds to the best international practices in the field of standardization.
Federal law enters into force 180 days after its official publication.
Based on materials from the website of Rosstandart www.rst.gov.ru