Two hundred and twenty national and interstate standards entered into force in March of this year.
National standards for products manufactured by selective laser sintering and equipment for this process.
GOST R 59183-2020, Additive technologies. Products obtained by selective laser melting of powder material 08Х18Н10Т. General specifications, is intended for manufacturers and customers to establish uniform requirements for the specified products.
Steel grade 08Cr18Ni10T belongs to the class of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steels. In addition to iron, it contains carbon, silicon, nickel, manganese, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus and copper. 08Cr18Ni10T steel is used for welded products operating in aggressive environments: pipes, parts of furnace fittings, heat exchangers, retort muffles, electrodes of spark plugs, nozzles and manifolds of exhaust systems. However, this steel is unstable in sulfur-containing media.
According to the standard, the mechanical characteristics of products are determined on so-called witness samples, which made in the same technological cycle as the product to be synthesized. Witness samples are used to assess the properties of products, including the use of methods of nondestructive testing.
The normal strength of 08Cr18Ni10T steel items is not less than 490 N/mm2, yield strength is not less than 196 N/mm2, relative elongation is not less than 40%, relative contraction is not less than 55%, Brinell hardness is not more than 179 HB.
GOST R 59184-2020, Additive technologies. Selective laser melting equipment. General requirements, applies to 3D-printers using selective laser and electron-beam fusion and sintering technologies.
With the help of these devices polymeric, metal and metal-ceramic products, blanks and semi-finished products are made by means of layer-by-layer fusion.
This process involves cyclic performance of the following operations: vertical movement of the building platform (for one layer), feeding of the required amount of metal powder composition (MPC), leveling of MPC into a uniform layer, selective laser fusion of MPC layer and control of layer fusion.
The deviation of the laser beam must not exceed half of the nominal spot of the laser, and the deviation must not be more than 0.06 mm.
Products according to GOST R 59185-2020, Additive technology. Products obtained by selective laser melting of powder material ВТ6. General specifications, are classified and designated in accordance with GOSTs or technical documentation for a particular product.
Titanium alloy of BT6 grade is used in production of parts, which are continuously operating at temperature plus 400-450 °C (for example in aviation). Its composition includes iron, carbon, silicon, vanadium, nitrogen, aluminum, zirconium, oxygen and hydrogen. Titanium, meanwhile, accounts for over 86% of the alloy.
According to the document, temporary resistance of parts made of this alloy shall be not less than 860 N/mm2, relative elongation is not less than 8%, relative contraction - not less than 12%, and impact toughness - not less than 0.25 MJ/m2.
The «StandarTinform» website previously provided an overview of standards for window units, subway cars, floor coverings, as well as temporary safety barriers, endoscopes, and medical equipment.