Deputy Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian Standardization Institute» (FSBI «RST») Alexey Ivanov performed as a moderator of the session «Standardization as a tool for the development of a «smart city» that was held on the 15th of October 2021 in the framework
of the International Technological Forum «Russian Standards Week».
Rapid growth of the cities, forming of the megacities (with the population of more than 1 million people) and beginning of the establishment of gigapolises
(gigacities) (with the population of more than 100 million people) set the relevance of search of complex ( systematic) solutions of sustainable development of cities, safe and effective functioning of life support infrastructures in the urbanized areas.
New direction of the development of the past decade is commitment of the citizens and management bodies of cities to the search of the most effective solutions of the development of urban infrastructure with the application of advanced technologies in all sectors which are united by the notion «smart city».
Alexey Ivanov also highlighted that Session «Standardization as a tool for the development of a «smart city» was devoted to the main approaches for the implementation of the concept of a «smart city», fulfilment of relevant indicators, creation of an architecture of a «smart city» model and role of standardization during the fulfilment of this concept. Alexey also noted that speakers of this session were participants of standardization works and the most important thing was consolidation of the communities of various subject areas for the implementation of a common objective.
Matters of organization of the development of standards in the field of «smart cities» were covered during the session. Three levels of standardization in the field of «smart cities» were presented during the report of the Chairman of the Technical Committee TC 194 «Cyber-Physical Systems» Nikita Utkin. The speaker also noted the necessity in the involvement of state institutions in the activities on standardization on the governmental level and involvement of market players on the levels of standardization of products and services (technologies) and their interaction. It was also mentioned that information technologies became not only an integral part of our lives but they should be interconnected between each other.
Chairman of the Technical Committee 115 «Sustainable Development of Administrative-Territorial Entities» (TC 115), representative of the Certification Association «Russian Register» Galina Ivanova focused on the matter of consolidation of the activities on standardization regarding the concept of the development of «smart cities». Galina Ivanova told about the activities of TC 115 and international experience in the field of «smart cities».
Various visions of the perspectives of standardization for the purposes of the development of «smart cities» on the basis of an international experience were presented by the Chairperson of the Technical Committee «Electromagnetic Compatibility of Technical Means» ТC 030 Nikolay Fayzrakhmanov, Executive Secretary of the Sub Committee «Urban Development» of the Technical Committee 465 «Construction» (TC 465) Maxim Dorofeev, Chairperson of the Technical Committee 98 «Biometrics and Biomonitoring» ( ЕС 98) Danila Nikolaev and by other participants of the session in the framework of the held discussion.