Forty-seven standards have become effective since August 1, 2022. There are documents on intelligent transport systems, lifts, electronic automated design systems, gas distribution systems, passenger cars on locomotive traction, paint materials among them.
GOST R 702.1.028-2022 “Russian quality system. Tomato juice. Consumer testing” is distributed on tomato juice that underwent heat treatment and that was placed in hermetically corked consumer packaging. Tomato juice is intended for feeding of preschool-age and school-aged children, sold in retail according to the above-mentioned standard. Current document sets the requirements for quality indicators determined during consumer tests.
GOST R 702.3.006-2022 “Russian quality system. Anti-freezing washing liquid for car glasses. Consumer testing” applies to anti-freezing washing liquid for the glasses of the automobiles. Anti-freezing washing liquid is aimed at wetting and cleaning of the car windscreen in cold periods of time and it is placed in hermetically corked consumer packaging, sold in retail. Current document sets the requirements for quality indicators determined during consumer tests.
GOST R 59204-2022 “Automobile roads of general use. Deicing materials. Specifications” is distributed on deicing materials designed to deal with winter slipperiness on automobile roads of general use. Current standard sets basic requirements for deicing materials during manufacturing, purchase and use.