Moscow, November 26, 2024 – GOST R’s events in the year of the Russian Federation's presidency in BRICS are concluded with the workshop dedicated to the exchange of the best practices in organizing work on national standards development of BRICS member states.
This event that was conducted in the videoconference format resulted from the decisions reached at the first face-to-face meeting of the heads of national standardization bodies of BRICS member states that was carried out on the initiative of the Russian Federation in September 2024 in Moscow.
This workshop was attended by expert delegations from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People's Republic of China (SAMR/SAC), as well as the Iran National Standards Organization (INSO) and the Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS). The Russian delegation was headed by the Deputy Director General of the Russian Standardization Institute Alexey Ivanov.
Representatives of standardization bodies shared their experience in the development of national standards, paying attention to the specifics and peculiarities of each stage. Within the framework of the reports, special attention was paid to the digitalization of standards development, digital transformation in general, as well as standardization as a way to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
In particular, the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People's Republic of China (SAMR/SAC) presented its experience in the field of standardization. Thus, it was noted that 550 technical committees, 766 subcommittees and 22 working groups on standardization have been established in China, covering almost all sectors of the national economy.
INSO told about the stages and main directions of the development of national standards. The main areas within which national standardization of the Islamic Republic of Iran is being developed to ensure the implementation of the 22 national development goals of the state are science and research, spirituality and ethics, economics, justice and lifestyle. It was also noted that standardization work was currently underway in Iran within the framework of 41 INSO technical committees on standardization and the current standards collection included 33538 documents.
Alexey Ivanov told about Russian national standardization system and procedure for developing standards. In addition, he shared the experience in digitalizing standards development process with the help of the GOST R Federal State Information System – the subsystem BERESTA, emphasizing that modern standards in priority areas were implemented in digital formats and an unified digital development environment.