New guide «Withdrawn and replaced national standards» was published and it was formed on the basis of the resources from the Federal Information Fund of Standards (as at December 1, 2016). It includes withdrawn and replaced interstate standards (GOST), national standards of the Russian Federation (GOST R), republican standards (standards of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic) and CMEA standards (standards of the Council for Economic and Mutual Assistance).The following information is reported about each standard: title of the document, code of the Interstate Classifier or All-Russian Classifier of standards and status of the document- replaced/withdrawn/ terminated its use in the Russian Federation and also date from which these changes took place.
For withdrawn standards and standards which are not used in the Russian Federation it is stated which relevant documents you can use instead of them. This procedure is determined by the Orders of GOST R (Rosstandart).
Information on replacement/cancellation/termination of use in the Russian Federation of national and interstate standards since December 1, 2016 is published by Standartinform in monthly informational indicator «National Standards».