World Standards Day has been celebrated since 1970 on October, 14.
Events of this professional holiday have new motto every year. In 2017 they are joined by the following motto- Standards make cities «smarter».
Traditionally Heads of three leading organizations on standardization such as ISO, IEC and ITU publish their annual greetings in which Zhang Xiaogang, James Shannon and Houlin Zhao highlight the importance of use of international standards for the development of the concept «Smart city».
Every year Heads of national bodies on standardization all over the world address to standardizers of their own countries.
Greeting of the Head of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart) Alexey Abramov to the employees of the system of Rosstandart has been published on its web-site.
STANDARTINFORM also joins in congratulating in connection with the World Standards Day.