Department of Printing of FGUP «Standartinform» published more than 300 documents on standardization of interstate and national level on December 2016. For the whole year more than 3100 documents were published
FGUP «Standartinform» held the latest workshop «Innovations in the field of standardization for enterprises and organizations» and «New software of the automated Database «Russian Products» on December 14-15, 2016
Director General of FGUP «Standartinform» Viacheslav Vitushkin as part of delegation of the Russian Federation took part in the 50th session of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independence States (EASC), which was held in Moscow region on December 8, 2016
Employees of FGUP «Standartinform» took part in the workshop «Innovations in the field of standardization for enterprises and organizations» which was organized by Standardization, Metrology, and Certification Center of Tula on December 7, 2016
New Year is time when parents are searching for presents for their children who are looking forward to this holiday. Among wide range of children’s toys you have to choose the best one on the one hand and on the other hand the toy which will make your child happy and which will be safe for him.
Standartinform prepared Pre-New-Year overview of standards on this matter
Another five-day workshop «Information support of Rosstandart activities on development, approval and redaction of the documents on standardization» was finished on November 25, 2016. Similar workshops are held by Standartinform on regular basis since the middle of 2013
FGUP «Standartinform» took part in the workshop «Innovations in the field of standardization for enterprises and organizations» which was organized by Standardization, Metrology, and Certification Center of Perm on November 23, 2016
Use of standards ensures stable functioning of various industries of national economy including glass industry. Employees of glass sector annually celebrate their professional holiday on November 19
Deputy Director General of FGUP «Standartinform» Alexandr Barkov spoke at the conference «Technical Regulation and Standardization in industry. New legislation and Law enforcement» on November 10, 2016 in Novosibirsk
Department of printing has published 50 new standards since November 2016