FGUP «Standartinform» is appointed as an authorized organization on distribution of the documents being developed and applied in national standardization system by the Order of Rosstandart from July 1,2016 № 844 «On improving the system of distribution of the documents on standardization of the Federal Agency on technical regulating and metrology»
Current version of the Federal Law «On Technical Regulation» from December 15, 2002 № 184-FZ is ready for publication on paper since July 1, 2016
According to the errand of Rosstandart Deputy Director General of FGUP «Standartinform» A.A.Barkov and Director of the Department of Organizational and Analytical Work and HR D.E.Ahunov will take part in the events in the framework of the Main Industrial Trade Fair Innoprom in Ekaterinburg including the activities of Public Reception organized by Minpromtorg of Russia on July 11-14
FGUP «Standartinform» developed an automated information system «Distribution of Standards» (AIS «DST») for official distributors of the documents on standardization
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation from June 28, 2016 №589-FZ «On Federal Information Fund of Standards» was signed. This document was prepared according to Part 5 of the Article 29 of the Federal Law from June 29,2016 № 162-FZ «On Standardization in the Russian Federation» and it would come into force since July 1,2016
Head of Standartinform Viacheslav Vitushkin as part of a delegation of Rosstandart took part in the 49th session of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independence States (EASC), which was held on June 27-28, 2016 in Baku (the Republic of Azerbaijan)
Sixth training workshop for industrial representatives «Innovations in the field of standardization for enterprises and organizations» was held on June 23, 2016
22 June is a Day of remembrance and grief. The Great Patriotic War began on that day and it lasted long four years.
All spheres of public and economic activities of the Soviet Union including activities on standardization were changed when the war began.
Session of technical committee on standardization «Methodology of standardization» (TC 012) will be held on June 17, 2016 in Standartinform
21 standards were published by the Department of Printing of FGUP «Standartinform» during the first week of the current month