Director General of STANDARTINFORM Viacheslav Vitushkin and Advisor to the Director General Yury Butyrev took part in the 56th session of scientific and technical commission on standardization which was held on October 14-15, 2018 in Saint-Petersburg. They participated in this event as part of GOST R delegation
International Day of the Blind is celebrated annually on October 13. Due to this holiday STANDARTINFORM prepared an overview of national standard «Speech synthesizers of special computer workplaces for the visually impaired. Technical requirements»
World Quality Day is traditionally celebrated each second Thursday of November. It is celebrated on the 8th of November in 2018.
Main aims of this holiday are the following: drawing the attention to the problem of quality and to the fact that notion of quality is tightly connected with advantages of modern civilization and quality of life.
IEC TC 1 plenary session, sessions of the group on assessment of changes in standards of series IEC 60050 and IEC TC 1 advisory committee «Terminology» took place in October 25-26, 2018
81 national and interstate standards came into force in October 2018
STANDARTINFORM took part in the 5th session of working group on cooperation in the field of standardization, metrology and conformity assessment which was held on October 15, 2018 in the run-up to the 19th session of the Intergovernmental Commission on economic, scientific and technical cooperation between Russian Federation and Slovak Republic. STANDARTINFORM participated as part of GOST R delegation
Message to the World Standards Day-2018
Vice President of Publications and Marketing of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) John Pace and Director General of STANDARTINFORM Viacheslav Vitushkin held a working meeting on October 08, 2018
The most demanded standard of September is GOST R 58144-2018 «Distilled water. Specifications». It will come into effect since July 1, 2019
Working meeting of heads and representatives of organizations authorized to distribute documents on interstate standardization of states - members of the Eurasian Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) was held on September 26, 2018 in the framework of the 41st ISO General Assembly