First Deputy Director General of STANDARTINFORM Aleksandr Barkov took part in the Forum on Marketing and Communication Technologies of the International Organization on Standardization (ISO), which took part on April 4-5, 2019 in Geneva
GOST R 58144 - 2018 «Distilled water. Specifications» is the most popular standard in March according to the Department of Distribution of Information Products of STANDARTINFORM. This standard will come into effect since July 1, 2019
Round Table of the IEC Academy was held on March 29, 2019 for the employees of National Committee in terms of participation of the Russian Federation in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). This event took place in STANDARTINFORM
Training workshop of the IEC Academy was held on March 27-28, 2019 in STANDARTINFIORM. Head of the IEC Academy Jan- Henrik Tiedemann, Deputy Head of GOST R Anton Shalaev and First Deputy Director General of STANDARTINFORM Aleksandr Barkov took part in this event
Training of leaders of the Council on youth policy under the Head of GOST R on the programme «Transformation Leaders» was held on March 4-5, 2019 in STANDARTINFORM
Working meeting of representatives of STANDARTINFORM and Norwegian company DNV GL was held on the 28th of February 2019
Official Agreement between STANDARTINFORM and American Welding Society (AWS) was signed on the 21th of February 2019.
Agreement was signed by the Director General of STANDARTINFORM Viacheslav Vitushkin and the AWS Managing Director of Sales and Publishing Michael Walsh
18th session of the working group on standardization, metrology, quality and conformity assessment with the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia will be carried out in STANDARTINFORM on February 21, 2019
Day of Science is annually celebrated on the 8th of February. STANDARTINFORM prepared an overview of national standard «Intellectual property. Distribution of the intellectual rights between the customer, the performer and the author on the protected results of intellectual activity created and/or used at performance of research, developmental work, technological and production works»
«Председатель Правительства Российской Федерации Дмитрий Анатольевич Медведев встретился с президентом ИСО Джоном Уолтером и генеральным секретарём организации Серхио Мухикой», – 5 февраля сообщил сайт Правительства России