Director General of STANDARTINFORM Viacheslav Vitushkin performed in the thematic session «Regulatory control of application of digital technologies», which was held in the framework of the Forum «Information technologies at the service of defense industry», which was organized in Yalta with support of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation on April 28, 2018
Final panel of Rosstandart took place on April 26, 2018 where results of the its activities in 2017 and plans for 2018 were covered
Second edition of Bulletin of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (GOST R) has been published
This month 68 documents on standardization of interstate and national level came into force
Delegation of STANDARTINFORM presented by the Director General Viacheslav Vitushkin and Advisor to the Director General Yury Butyrev took part in the 55th session of technical commission on standardization and the 2nd session of working group on organization of work of interstate technical committees of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and certification (EASC) which was held on April 9-12, 2018
STANDARTINFORM published 93 interstate and national documents on standardization in March 2018
First edition of Bulletin of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (GOST R) contains information concerning GOST R strategy for 2025, outcomes of monitoring and oversight activities of GOST R in 2017 and review of standards coming into effect, news concerning international and European standardization
Employees of the International Cooperation Department of STANDARTINFORM took part in the WebEx conference initiated by the ISO Central Secretariat, which was held on March 6, 2018
Annual indicator «National Standards 2018» has been edited in three volumes
Draft Agreement on distribution of the documents on interstate standardization was approved on March 2, 2018 during the 77th session of the CIS Economic Council. This Agreement was prepared by STANDARTINFORM