Director General of STANDARTINFORM Viacheslav Vitushkin as part of GOST R delegation with the Head of GOST R Alexey Abramov takes part in the sessions of the 40 th General Assembly of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which took place in Berlin, Germany
145 interstate and national documents on standardization came into force in September 2017
Testing of the updated Russian version of the site of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was finished with the subsequent free access to it for all interested users at the end of August 2017
STANDARTINFORM took part in the next session of the Council of Rosstandart (GOST R) on youth policy on September 11, 2017
STANDARTINFORM as part of delegation of GOST R took part in the 15th session of the Permanent Russian-Chinese Working group on standardization, metrology, certification and inspection control of the Subcommittee on trade and economic cooperation of the Commission on arrangement of regular meetings of Chief Executives of Russia and China
GOST 28631-2005 is kept in the Federal Information Collection of Standards. This document helps to choose school bags and satchels
National standard GOST R 57564-2017 «Organization and Implementation of Activity on International Standardization in Russian Federation» was published
Season of melons and watermelons are open now. In connection with this we addressed to interstate standards on fresh melons and food watermelons which came into force since the beginning of this year. These documents are situated in the Federal Information Collection of standards and they will assist you to choose the most delicious and fresh, sweet gourds
Department of Printing of STANDARTINFORM published 116 interstate and national documents on standardization and 16 codes of practice during July 2017
There are many holidays which are not so well known but which are connected with standardization. One of such holidays is International Traffic Light Day which is celebrated in the 5th of August. First electric device for traffic control appeared in Cleveland city exactly on that day in 1914