Director General of FGUP «Standartinform» Viacheslav Vitushkin took part in the working meeting with the Heads of British Standards Institution (BSI) as part of a delegation of Rosstandart on July 25, 2016
Specialists from the Kazakhastan Institute of Standardization and Certification of Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be trained on cataloguing of the products which will be held in Standartinform on July 28-29, 2016
Standartinform presented videos about the advantages of the use of official documents of national standardization system and information support of national standardization system
International standard of rail industry IRIS which determined the main requirements for the manufacturers of rail equipment and providers of the components for enterprises of rail industry was discussed at the beginning of July in Saint Petersburg
Amendments to the fundamental standards of national standardization system were placed in the automated information system «Express Standard»
6th International Industrial Trade Fair Innoprom-2016 was held in Ekaterinburg since 11 till 14 July.Representatives of FGUP «Standartinform» took part in the events of the fair and in the activities of Public Reception organized by Minpromtorg of Russia
Department of Printing of FGUP «Standartinform» published 28 standards in the first week of July
Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2016 № 624 «On approval of the Rules of development, adoption, publishing, changing and repeal of codes of practice» came into force on July 7, 2016
Press conference of the Head of Rosstandart A.V.Abramov which was dedicated to a new law on standardization in Russia took place on June 11,2016 in the framework of business program of International Industrial Fair Innoprom-2016 in Ekaterinburg.
Bilateral meeting of delegations of Rosstandart and Bureau of Indian Standards took place in the framework of Innoprom-2016. Deputy Director General A.A.Barkov took part in this event on behalf of Standartinform