4th edition of «Bulletin of Rosstandart» has been edited this week.
It presents brand clothes for state supervision of Rosstandart (GOST R). It also covers problems of quality of motor fuel in Russia.
Deputy Director General of STANDARTINFORM Aleksandr Barkov and Head of the International Cooperation Department Julia Tufanova have reported on distribution of international ISO standards
STANDARTINFORM took part in another session of the Council of Rosstandart (GOST R) on youth policy on December 8, 2017. More than 50 young specialists of GOST R system such as employees of scientific and research institutes, regional public centers of standardization, metrology and testing and also interregional territorial departments of GOST R participated in this event
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was formed on December 8, 1991. It is a recognized organization all over the world which also deals with interstate standardization
Department of Development and Maintaining of Information Resources of STANDARTINFORM held works on improvement of storage conditions of paper documents of the Federal Information Collection of standards. Special mobile system on dust purging RKO-600 was established in the Federal Information Collection of standards
Updated Agreement on collaborative activities between the EASC Bureau for standards and STANDARTINFORM was signed in the framework of the 52nd session of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States (EASC) in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan on November 30,2017
Department of Printing of STANDARTINFORM published 318 interstate and national documents on standardization in November
International Day of Persons with Disabilities has been celebrated annually on December 3 since 1992
52nd session of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) will be held in the form of conference of Heads of national bodies on standardization in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan) on November 30, 2017
Another five-day workshop «Information support of the activities of organizations of Rosstandart (GOST R) on development, approval and redaction of the documents on standardization» was finished on November 24, 2017 in STANDARTINFORM
Today is celebtared World Students’ Day. Last month STANDARTINFORM developed series of standards including GOST R 57724-2017 «Information and communication technologies in education. E-Learning book. General regulations» for students.
Requirements of this standard are applied to textbooks in electronic format which are used in educational institutions of higher, secondary vocational education, general and supplementary education