ISO President Dr. ZHANG Xiaogang addressed to the Delegates of the 39th ISO General Assembley which would be held since 9 till 14 September 2016 in Beijing
Flag Day is celebrated in Russia every year on August 22, 2016.
Federal Information Fund of Standards contains national standard on state flag which has been relevant since 1999
National standard GOST R 57022-2016 «Organic production. The procedure of voluntary certification of organic production» will be implemented in the Russian Federation since January 1, 2017
Builders' Day is celebrated for the 60th time in Russia on August 14. Functioning in the construction industry is impossible without standards
Following the results of the first six month of the current year Standartinform entered the top five of the largest Russian publishing houses and it published more than one thousand five hundred books and booklets
The Automated Information System «Distribution of Standards» was registered
Vladimir Chernyak comes into office as the Director of Bureau on Standards - Secretary General of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independence States on August 5, 2016
Standartinform published two hundred and four standards, one hundred eighty five of which were issued on paper in July 2016
Director General of FGUP «Standartinform» V.A.Vitushkin took part in the discussion of draft agreement on mutual exchange of the documents on standardization between FGUP «Standartinform» and the Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing of the Czech Republic (UNMZ) which was held on July 29,2016
Standartinform held a two-day training course for specialists from the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification of Technical Regulation and Metrology Committee of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan which was held on July 28-29, 2016