Standartinform took part in the events of the XIII International Salon of Security Means «Integrated Security - 2021», which was held on May 12-16 at the «Patriot» Convention Center
At the beginning of the month, 85 national and interstate standards came into force. Among them are a series of documents on protective equipment for contact martial arts, standards for footwear and implants for surgery
On May 11, 2021, «Standartinform» took part in a working meeting with colleagues from the French National Association for Standardization AFNOR (a member of the International Organization for Standardization «ISO»)
At the end of April, Standardinform took part in the tenth annual conference of metrologists «Topical issues of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in accounting and quality control of oil and oil products at the enterprises of Gazprom Neft»
On April 27, 2021 «Standartinform» represented by acting General Director K. Leonidov and the All-Russian Research Institute «Center» («VNII «Center») represented by Director General
S. Dovguchitsa signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation
On April 28, 2021, «Standartinform» took part in the online seminar «Product Conformity Assessment in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union»
On April 13, 2021, a cooperation agreement was signed between «Standartinform» and the National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
Public discussion of 127 draft standards began in April
Russia organized the international public discussion «Measurements for health»
April 28 - Chemical Safety Day in Russia.
In July of this year, new standards for chemical safety, developed by «Standartinform», will come into force. Briefly about some of them