Adviser Director General of STANDARTINFORM Yuriy Butyrev and Head of International Cooperation Department Julia Tufanova as part of a delegation of GOST R took part in the sessions of the working bodies of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independence States (EASC): 53th session of technical committee on standardization and 36th session of working group on information technologies in the field of standardization, metrology and conformity assessment which took place at the Federal State Funded Institution «Uraltest» on April 24-26, 2017 in Ekaterinburg
170 national and interstate standards on buildings and constructions, locomotives, shoes, windows and doors, solid mineral fuel, hard coals, hoisting cranes, polymer composites and textiles came into effect in April 2017
Rosstandart is announcing the appearance of special edition of the updated «Bulletin of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology» («Bulletin of Rosstandart») on February 17, 2017
It was agreed to appoint Mr. Sergio Mujica as next Secretary-General of ISO at the meeting of the ISO Council, which was held on March 15-17, 2017. He will assume responsibilities since July 17, 2016
Employees of hydrometeorological services, who are celebrating their professional holiday on March 23, in their activity use series of standards, which are maintained in the Federal Information Fund
World Water Day is celebrated on March 22. We would like to introduce you with new standards dedicated to water
STANDARTINFORM congratulates the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independence States (EASC) with its anniversary. It will celebrate 25 years on March 13, 2017
Professional holiday of Doctors of Science, Candidates of Science and all scientific employees is celebrated annually on February 8 in Russia.
Special national standard exists for those who is going to present a dissertation and also for those who works with scientific and technical information in the libraries and publishing houses
Director General of FGUP «Standartinform» Viacheslav Vitushkin handed over the first national documents on standardization - All- Union Standards OST 1-3 to the Head of Rosstandart Alexey Abramov in January 2017
Since the beginning of 2017 Department of Printing of FGUP «Standartinform» has published more than 210 documents on standardization