Within two years, the inventory of the Collection of national standards adopted before 1991 will be completed in Russia
Acting General Director of FGUP "STANDARTINFORM" V. Vitushkin in the delegation of Rosstandart took part in a meeting with representatives of the European Committee for standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for standardization in the field of electrical engineering (CENELEC), organized in the framework of the 15th annual General Assembly of CEN – CENELEC
On May 23, 2019, the meeting of the Subcommittee "Special protective clothing against thermal risks of electric arc. Clothing is special for protection against high temperatures and thermal radiation. Screening kits" (SC 3) of the technical Committee for standardization "Personal protective equipment" (TC 320) was held at FGUP "STANDARTINFORM"
22 May 2019 representatives of FGUP «STANDARTINFORM»: Director of distribution department E. Kuzina and Head of international department J. Tufanova took part in the annual NFST forum in St. Petersburg
Dedicated to the professional Day of the polar explorer, which is celebrated annually on May 21 STANDARTINFORM launched a thematic review of the standards
STANDARTINFORM is a regular participant of the exhibition and events within the framework of the Moscow international innovation forum "Accurate measurements – the basis of quality and safety", traditionally held at VDNH on the eve of world Metrology day
Since the 1st of May 2019, 51 documents on standardization of interstate and national level have come into force
On April 26, 2019 held STANDARTINFORM a meeting of the Working group to finalize the changes of GOST R 1.1 (RK) under the chairmanship of Y. Budkin, Deputy General Director of STANDARTINFORM
Very valuable information is represented in the brochure «My ISO Job», the translation of which was made by Standartinform