GOST R 52745-2021 «Complex quality control system. Conformity assessment of materials, semi-finished products and other products used in the process of manufacture of products for aircraft and other civil, defense and dual use equipment at enterprises-suppliers. General requirements» became the most demanded document according to the information received from the Department of Distribution of the Documents on Standardization of FSBI «RST»
Joint session of the section «Standardization in electric power industry» of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Unified Energy System and secretariat of technical committee on standardization «Electric power industry» ( TC 016) was held on the 24th of December 2021
Session of the Research and Technology Board of the Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI «RST») was held on the 20th of December 2021 and it was chaired by the Director General of FSBI «RST» Konstantin Leonidov
Solemn signing of an Agreement on cooperation between the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian Standardization Institute» (FSBI «RST»), the Union of Juice, Water and Beverage Producers (DRINKSUNION), the European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN) was held on the 17th of December 2021
109 national and interstate documents on standardization came into force in the beginning of December 2021
Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI «RST») took part in an annual scientific and technical conference devoted to the following topic «Challenges of film industry in the era of global digital transformation»
Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI «RST») took part in the 60th session of the Eurasian Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) of the States-CIS Members.
Director General of the Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI «RST») Konstantin Leonidov performed with the report on the 2nd of December 2021 during the plenary session of the 9th International Engineering Forum which was held according to the Action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation which coincided with the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation
Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI «RST») participated in the 9th Moscow International Engineering Forum on December 1-2,2021
Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI «RST») took part in the 5th International Conference «CHERMETSTANDART-2021